Capital Gain Taxation

If have a profit or a loss from sale of stocks/mutual funds/House property in addition to salary income(or) other income. then we need to file Income tax .

Who need to file :

Services  Covered:

Documents To Be Submitted:

  1. Trading Statements (Profit and Loss or Capital Gains Statements) from the Stock Broker(s)
  2. If income from sale of property / asset, below details required
    • Sale value, purchase value, sale date, purchase date
    • Valuation Report* (where needed)
    • Any cost of improvements
    • Will / Inheritance / Advance / Registration Cost Details
    • plan to defer, re-investment, pay the gains (we will help if needed)
  3. Any other incomes, Investments or Savings details
  4. Arrears Statement* for earlier years, if applicable
  5. Pan Number and Date of Birth (or ITD Portal Credentials)


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